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Сәлеметсіз бе, біздің өнімдермен кеңесуге келіңіз!

Ғарыштық раманың өнеркәсіптік дуплексті көмір қоймасының жобасы.Жалпы ұзындығы 700 метр, жалпы аралығы 188 метр, жалпы биіктігі 57 метр, құрылыс мерзімі 90 күн, құрылыс қызметкерлері 37 адам.


Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.

Хабарлама уақыты: 18 наурыз 2022 ж